More people care about using Cruelty-Free brands.
With each ethical decision you make in your purchases, you will be changing towards a world free of animal cruelty.
+9000 brands
From official and trusted sources, including Leaping Bunny, PETA, Choose Cruelty Free. Inspect the brands, see the description of the brands, the characteristics, the certificates or enter its website using the direct link.
Filter the list by categories, cruelty-free certificates and characteristics (vegan, organic, zero waste, palm oil free, gluten free …)
Online stores
Find out which stores sell the most ethical and sustainable brands and can ship to your country.
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Coming soon: Save your favorite brands, create your own lists, share your lists with your friends, and more.

Many cosmetic, makeup, cleaning products … to ensure that they are not harmful to humans, are tested in laboratories on animals. It is not necessary to imagine the trial and error process of torture to which they are subjected. Laws exist, but they are lax and sometimes easy to evade. But there are organizations that are willing to evaluate and control whether there are brands that are free to test on animals, that is, free of cruelty and animal abuse. In these brands there is no animal involved. They are cruelty-free brands.
Frequently asked questions
If you have anything else you want to ask, please contact us at, [email protected].
Do you receive any money from the companies or stores?
No, all the companies are there for free and the featured companies are there simply because we personally like them. Also all the stores are there just because they sell Cruelty-Free products.
We are planning in the future to add affiliate links to have extra resources to grow the project and spread the message. -
Where do you get the information from?
We regularly sync our data with the Peta, Leaping Bunny, Cruelty Free International, and Choose Cruelty Free lists. Apart from that we follow several communities and blogs to be informed of brands that do not have certificates. And finally, personal investigation, we send emails to companies or we urge them to fill out our form to have the most up-to-date information possible.
Who is behind Tokki?
We are a couple who love animals and are fortunate to have the technical and artistic knowledge to be able to make Tokki for relatively little money, only with time and personal effort.
I’m a Cruelty Free brand, can I appear on Tokki?
Sure, and totally free. Just fill the “submit your brand” form using your own domain email or request the form on Instagram (just to make sure you are related with the brand), and we will include it with all your information.
I’m not a Cruelty Free brand, can I appear on Tokki?
Sure, stop all animal testing on animals, yourselves, your suppliers, and any a third party, go Cruelty-Free and we’ll talk. 😜
Do you plan to add new languages?
We code Tokki in a way that supports as many languages as ​​we need, but at the moment we cannot afford a translator. If you want to collaborate and see Tokki in your mother tongue write to us at [email protected] and we will translate them together. 😊
Can I support Tokki?
Not necessary but appreciated, Tokki will continue anyway because it is a project we deeply believe in. That said, we work as freelancers, so the fewer projects we have to make a living, the more time we have for Tokki, or who knows, maybe one day we will pay people to help us maintain databases or pay for awareness advertising.
How can I help?
Share, share and share. People have to know what happens with the industry and animal research, so the best thing is to share and raise awareness, apart from that right now the most time consuming thing is adding brands and country specific stores. If you see that information is missing from your country, send us an email to [email protected] with brands and stores that you know and we do not have. If you like the APP a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review event without text helps a lot. If you know Cruelty-Free and brands very well and want to help even more, write to us. 😊